Pest Control.

Cockroach Pest Control
Tuesday 20th June 2023
Cockroaches are some of the most common pests in Enfield, and most of the calls we get are from businesses and homeowners who want to get rid of the problem before it becomes a full-blown infestation.
There are over 4,600 species of cockroaches in the world, and 30 of them are associated with human habitats. Here in Enfield, our two main species are the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) and the Oriental Cockroach (Blatta orientalis).
Learning how each species looks like will help you identify them more easily and know how to proceed before calling cockroach control.
The German Cockroach (Blattella germanica)
This is the most common cockroach species infesting buildings in the UK, and it can only be found indoors, where it thrives on moisture, warmth, and food. That's why you'll usually find them in kitchens, hidden between the small cracks behind stoves, refrigerators, cabinets, and rubbish containers.
How to identify them: The German cockroach is between 1.2-1.6 cm long, light brown, with two dark lines behind the head. Although these cockroaches have wings, they can't fly. However, they do move very fast and glide when chased, which makes them hard to catch.
Why they're dangerous: Thanks to its small body size, Blattella germanica can hide in small crevices, where they often go unnoticed until their population reaches large numbers. They also reach sexual maturity quickly and have short reproductive cycles, so if you spot one of them in your home or office, contact cockroach pest control because you might be dealing with an infestation soon.
The Oriental Cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
Also known as the waterbug or black beetle, the Oriental cockroach can be found both indoors and outdoors, where they feed on rubbish, waste, and organic matter. You can usually find them in cool, damp places, such as basements, sewer systems, laundry rooms, and trash containers.
How to identify them: The Oriental Cockroach is a large species of cockroach, ranging from 1.8 to 3 cm. Males are wider than females and have larger wings. It has a dark brown or black shiny colour. Although they have wings, Oriental cockroaches can't fly. On the contrary, they're quite sluggish and rarely make their way up to higher levels. Oriental cockroaches secrete body odours, which can become very pungent in large numbers.
Why they're dangerous: Blatta orientalis can spread dangerous viruses such as E. Coli and Salmonella from their legs to your food, countertops, laundry, pantries, or pets. Although they are slow, Oriental cockroaches are particularly resilient and require professional pest control.
Permkill Pest Control are experts at treating cockroaches in homes & Businesses based in Enfield, Barnet, and the surrounding areas.
If you've spotted one of these cockroaches in your home or office, you might be tempted to take matters into your own hands but, for your health and safety, we advise against DIY solutions. Both the German and Oriental cockroach can be resistant to mainstream pesticides, and their eggs can survive. At Permkill Pest Control, we inspect every area of your property to find the source of the infestation and get rid of it for good with highly effective solutions, whilst caring for the safety of your home or office.